We made it!

21. January 2015
Thank You!

Woohooo! We made it! We reached our funding goal for the first episode of ‘The One Minute Fly Show’! All thanks to our loyal supporters! We thank you sooo much and are so happy!!!

We are now diving into work to get the first episode done! And we are preparing your digital rewards. So we will personally send them to you via email in the next two weeks! And of course we’ll keep you updated about the production progress :)

Well, at the same time let’s refresh our memories: Remember our stretch goals? Because we are already reaching out for episode number two. Therefore, we are aiming to raise another 3.500 Euro to reach the 7.000 marker. Again, if you like the project you still have the opportunity to donate a sum of your choice – and get yourselves one of the OMF rewards.

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