A New Film About Sweets And Flies

20. January 2017

“Do you like sweets? The One Minute Fly just loves them! But it’s not the only one …”

It’s been sometime since the last real update. All the more I am happy to present a new story to you :)

Once you’ve had a chance to watch, leave a comment and let me know: Did you like it? Would you like to see more stories of the One Minute Fly? Or do you have any suggestions for upcoming films?

Share and SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1WdRlFn

Join on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oneminuteflyshow

Dance of Life

15. July 2015
One Minute Fly - Dance of Life

The One Minute Fly Show must go on: We’re happy to announce that ‘Dance of Life’ is going to be the title of episode #2! A story about passion, love and of course life : )

If you like you can also support the project by donation via PayPal:

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Tadaaa!! Fly To The Moon

7. June 2015

It’s here! Finally! The first episode of the One Minute Fly Show “Fly to the moon” is out now(!) and ready for you to watch. Enjoy! :)

If you like this episode please share it with your friends and subscribe to the One Minute Fly YouTube channel. Or you could also donate for the second episode. We are already starting to work on it and the title will be announced here soon.

Find out more about the recent funding progress and about the rewards that we offer as a thank you for your donations.

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Night Shifts

25. May 2015
Night Shift

… are a solid part in the life of an animator. We are working very hard to get “Fly to the moon” done. And very often there is no time left to shave.

Sounds great

11. May 2015
Sound recordings

Last week we made the sound recordings for “Fly to the moon” :)

“Uuuuiiiiii”, “Aaaaaaah”, “Puh”, “Huh”, “GRRRRR”, …


11. March 2015
New Fly Episode #1

Meet the new One Minute Fly of the upcoming episode ‘Fly to the moon’!

We’re looking forward to follow its journey of life :-)

Your Personal Housefly

7. February 2015
One Minute Fly Papercraft

Last week we sent out the One Minute Fly Papercraft as a digital reward to some of our contributors. It turned out pretty gorgeous and it’s the perfect companion at your workplace or home.

You can get it for 50 Euro all along with some other cool stuff included in the package. And by the way you will support the second episode of the One Minute Fly Show!

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Get Inspired!

30. January 2015
One Minute Fly on Lifehack.org

Once again the One Minute Fly is featured in a great article! This time it is on Lifehack.org, a famous blog and “source for tips to help improve all aspects of your life”! You can read the whole article here: http://bit.ly/1ERHiOc

Thank you to the author Anna Chui for writing this!

We made it!

21. January 2015
Thank You!

Woohooo! We made it! We reached our funding goal for the first episode of ‘The One Minute Fly Show’! All thanks to our loyal supporters! We thank you sooo much and are so happy!!!

We are now diving into work to get the first episode done! And we are preparing your digital rewards. So we will personally send them to you via email in the next two weeks! And of course we’ll keep you updated about the production progress :)

Well, at the same time let’s refresh our memories: Remember our stretch goals? Because we are already reaching out for episode number two. Therefore, we are aiming to raise another 3.500 Euro to reach the 7.000 marker. Again, if you like the project you still have the opportunity to donate a sum of your choice – and get yourselves one of the OMF rewards.

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